Quantum Experience Seminar
Gold Coast & Perth
Dr Espen Hjalmby will be delivering his national Quantum Experience Seminar at the Gold Coast and Perth over the next few months !! His seminars are TRANSFORMATIONAL and LIFE CHANGING. Would you like to begin living guided by your Heart rather than your head? Remove past baggage and release blocked emotions? Then come along to one of Espen’s seminars to see how you can unfold a new Life full of possibilities.
Dr Espen holds a FREE Live Quantum Experience Event prior to his 2 Day Advanced Seminar, so stay tuned for these dates. Bookings are esssential.
The 2 Day Quantum Advanced Seminar will be held at the following times:
Gold Coast: 19-20th September
Perth: 17-18th October
CLICK HERE to book your seat!
Check out Dr Espen’s facebook page.
You are welcome to call me with any questions, 0409 058 562.
Big Love