Alchemy of Men Retreat

14 – 16 July 2023


Are you ready to RECLAIM your life and BREAK FREE from the shackles of stress, anxiety, and insomnia ?

It’s time to TAKE ACTION to transform your life.  If you’ve experienced the pain of a marriage breakdown, the burden of daily stress, or the sleepless nights of overthinking, this retreat is tailor-made for you!

Unlock the POWER within, Rediscover Yourself, Rediscover Life.

A journey of self-empowerment and personal growth for MEN.  A 3 Day Retreat all inclusive of adventure challenges, outdoor activities, fire ceremony, retreat processes and program, all meals and accommodation, transport to/from Cairns plus ongoing support program.


Men Retreat


This is a program of transformation from start to finish.

All-inclusive 3-Day Retreat where you will start your journey of learning new ways to improve your life.  Adventure Challenges, outdoor activities, fire ceremony, deep connection to self-healing and transformation and more.

This retreat is for those who are ready to let go of their past, reclaim your power, and create the life you were born to live. This is the most intense and transformative work Alchemy of MEN offer.  We are committed to providing you with all the tools you need to make a major shift in your life before, during, and after the retreat.

We believe in the incredible potential that lies within each man. It’s time to tap into that power and embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and growth. Our retreat is designed to provide you with the tools, guidance, and support you need to rise above the challenges that have held you back.

Your experience does not stop after the retreat, you will be part of a unique support program that includes follow-up zoom meetings to keep you accountable and on track.   

We are here for you and together we will achieve amazing results.


“I wholeheartedly recommend Alchemy of MEN Retreats as the best thing you can do for yourself to become the best version of who you are. This event exceeded my expectations. Very professional, inspiring, and informative”

“Alchemy of MEN Retreat is a perfect and safe environment to learn, share, and grow. Geraldine is a great facilitator who gets powerful messages across. I have a stack of new tools to enhance my own life and the lives of those around me”

“Very informative, the venue is great and the location is perfect. I felt comfortable in the group and found the content very helpful in many areas of my life. A very powerful experience”





Geraldine Zadkiel

Men RetreatGeraldine is a qualified Kinesiologist and founder of Heart Connection, she has been working with clients for over 15 years specialising in Anxiety, Depression, PTSD and Childhood Trauma.  Working with individual and presenting retreats to men and women, Geraldine developed a passion for working with men when she identified patterns within her male clients who were experiencing burn-out, long term adrenal stress and literally struggling to keep up with  running a business, family responsibilities and the pain of knowing family/friends who had committed suicide.  Working with these men closely, combining her passion to work with subconscious to meet disharmony where it is activated. Passionate about the well-being of men she set out to combine her life’s work to develop a practical program specifically for men.  A program of inspired action.

Jonathan Birch

Jonathan BirchJonathan served in the Royal Australian Navy for over 20 years and was medically discharged with PTSD, Depression and Anxiety. By navigating his own way out Jonathan can meet you where you are through activities and challenges to push past your comfort zone. He is an experienced Men’s circle facilitator and is deeply passionate about opening up to “Authentic conversations” by creating a safe space for men to be vulnerable and explore the masculine energy through the ages to discover what it means to be a man today. He brings life experience and an open heart to the retreat giving all men the opportunity to step into their own power. Jonathan facilitates the opportunity to confidently step into your full potential activating your true purpose. 

Almando Anton

Men RetreatAlmando’s journey of self-discovery, healing, and improvement began after going through an unexpected separation and divorce back in 2010. This led to an interest in human behaviour, how the mind works and what can be done to change and release ‘bad’ experiences. During this self-healing time, he has completed a Certificate in Heart Therapy Training, a participant in NLP Life Coach Training, and been a crew member and graduate for a number of Quantum Experience and Quantum Advance courses plus completed the Accelerator program with life coach Dr. Espen. In addition, he continues to study various modalities of both the physical and transcendental nature. Almando is passionate about helping men become more conscious of themselves and discovering the duality of their nature without compromising their masculinity.

Alain Baillon

Men RetreatAlain is a Reiki master who has also studied counseling and learned an array of other modalities, he has facilitated a huge number of workshops, retreats, and healing circles over the past 27 years. A powerful journey that words cannot describe. Time in Indonesia meditating in the mountains alone. Traveling through the South American Andes of Argentina and Bolivia tapping into these awesome cultures. Time in Thailand and Laos and Cambodia relishing in the child-like nature and discipline of the Buddhist monks and their humbleness. Massive awakening in the jungles of Peru where with the guidance of the Shamans and more…. Alain is passionate about moving forward to co-create magic. The sort of magic that will make all of us be more abundant, find deeper meaning in Love, clear the path for our passions and creativity, and above all be of service. Service to the community and all that habitats this planet. Alain brings wisdom to Alchemy Retreat for Men

Limited spaces available (small group of 12 men)

Investment for the Alchemy of Men Retreat is $1957.

EARLY BIRD PRICING sale ends 29 June 10:00am  $1597  (save $360).

To book your spot now CLICK HERE

Do you have any Questions?  Contact me on 0409058562.