Time: 12 noon – 6pm
Calling any Healers, Readers & Practitioners of all modalities to an afternoon of Sharing & Healing each other via swaps in a nurturing environment (Free to exchange services). Speakers invited to share your wisdom. All welcome to come and experience and have a massage, energy healing, reading, reflexology etc at a very affordable price via a generous donation.
Are you a dedicated Energetic light worker committed to enhancing your Gifts?
Keen to show your magic? Open to share?
Anyone for Meditation and / or Movement Class ??
This event is set in a beautiful and peaceful garden / outdoor setting. The event is child friendly. Come for a short time or all afternoon.
Phone / text Alain 0409058562 or Marcia 0413570544 for any more info & participation. Everyone is welcomed 🙂
Please consider also a donation at the door for use of a loving home.
To view this event on Facebook click here
See you there
Big Love
Marcia & Alain