Healings & Counselling
We all have the power and ability to draw on to universal energy to assist in our regenerating of self. My role in this process is to be a medium and channel to conduit energy from source to administer this to you. Recharging you clears away debris that disallows the psychical and mental body to enjoy the human experience. An hour of reiki, spiritual and crystal healing can zap more life in you and perk you up. Messages from your guides and spirit world can often be passed on if that is what comes through. Healings are done in a nurturing environment for maximum results. Follow up sessions are sometimes recommended. The perfect destressor in today’s busy world.
Investment: $120 per hour session, $80 per half hour session, Cairns Australia only. Non-local areas for skype/phone/facetime $160 per hour, $90 per half hour session.
To the crispy sounds of the Rattles we open a sacred space to the Four Directions. We call on to the Nature Spirits of Plants and Animals. Whilst invoking the Ancestral Beings to assist we invite the Drum to ceremonially access a vibrational rhythm for us to enter the worlds of the Shamans to create a practical, emotional and Spiritual image so as to be able to see, understand and realize our own future.
Investment: $150 for one hour of magical Spiritual illumination, Cairns Australia only. Non-local areas for skype/phone/facetime $160 per hour.
In this very revealing hour I will guide you to where you need to go to unlock the demons that rattle in your emotions, that discreate your quality of life to a sometime painful path. A number of sessions may need to get to the seat of what is out of balance, but the effectiveness of this type of work is invaluable for people who seem to sabotage their journey of self realization. Deep meditation techniques are sometimes combined to finish off and loving beliefs are instilled to achieve more positive outcomes in life.
Investment: $120 per hour session, $80 per half hour session, Cairns Australia only. Non-local areas for skype/phone/facetime $160 per hour, $90 per half hour session.
Are you feeling stresssed, drained out, loosing sleep or just plain tired? Reiki can help by boosting your energy to feeling vibrant and alive again. Reiki is a Japanese hands on energy healing using sacred symbols which allows the energy to move through the physical body by Spirit.
Investment: Single healing session $120 per hour.
Feeling Happy Package: Purchase 3 sessions, pay for 2 and get the 3rd one for $90. A saving of $30. In person Cairns Australia only.
On my numerous travels to South America, particularly Peru, I was introduced to the wonderful world of the Shamans (Curanderos), where I learnt Shamanic Healing. Like all Energetic process, this type of healing has its own appeal and can be life transformational, if she call you. The hour long experience is done fully clothed lying covered on a massage table, using the sounds of talk, rattle and added on a blended essence with gentle contacts. Guided by the recipients higher consciousness, the access and release of deep blocks occur, blockages that have sometimes been there for lifetimes. Freedom is often restored.
Investment: $120 per hour session, $80 per half hour session, Cairns Australia only. Non-local areas for skype/phone/facetime $160 per hour, $90 per half hour session.
Sometimes we come to a point in life when we just need to walk away and start afresh. Holding on to old has-been relationships or past life issues that is of no value to our present and future personal and spiritual growth, this technique is useful as a tool to lock in as a way to move forward and enjoy life’s present and future abundance.
Investment: $250 per 2 hour session, Cairns Australia only.
Energy has no concept of time or space. I am able to treat clientele all over Australia and overseas via distant healing. In a Distant Healing session I will tune in to you and send energy to the spiritual, emotional and physical body where and how it’s needed. A distant healing session is as effective as in the physical person.
Investment: $160 per hour, $90 per half hour session.
Upgrade your healing for $60 to receive a healing by two experienced Reiki Masters, Alain and Donna. Good for de-stress and gives a powerful boost of energy.
Investment: $180 per hour, Cairns Australia only.
In our busy lifestyles we are on our feet a lot sometimes all day. Yet we forget to give them the tender care and support that they really deserve and need. Give your feet some Love and stimulation with a reflexology by Donna. The treatment begins with a Reiki Chakra Balance to relax, calm and clear your energies. The pressure point foot massage will stimulate your circulation and open up Qi energy pathways allowing your body to heal and restore better health.
Investment: $80 per hour session, Cairns Australia only.
Prices are subject to change. For all visits by Alain outside of Cairns, price on application.