Using the power and wisdom of the tarot cards and the magic of palmistry in this reading, I combine those two powerful forces to create a recipe for unlocking very quickly the source of where you can create your own destiny and live the life you can only dream of. This style of reading is strong and full of energy. I focus on educating you to see your higher qualities to help you resolve why you are not prosperous, happy in love, healthy in mind and body. Embrace life with totality is what you will succumb to here. Remember Destiny is self Created.
Investment: $120 per hour session, $80 for half hour session. Cairns Australia only.
A very powerful medium, also known as chiromancy, palmistry has been around for some 5000 years. Much change and development has taken place in this form of reading. I enter a deep place looking at long ago blocked past lives. Many a person has had huge revelations in these sessions as fears and concerns of this lifetime is revealed through understanding energy that has been suppressed from previous past life times. Palmistry unleashes one to let go the past and live life more happily in the present. Health related issues are also strongly understood in this magical, nurturing style of reading that is celebrating a new popularity.
Investment: $120 per hour session, $80 for half hour session. Cairns Australia only.
On my professional trips to southern Australian cities such as Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Gold Coast, new clientele often wish to have further readings. Phone and skype/facetime readings allow for these and other clientele all over Australia and overseas to easily access my services when they want. Through phone readings I can also provide discretionary service for clientele who wish to remain more anonymous.
Investment: From anywhere in the world $160 per hour session, $90 per 1/2 hour.
Skype Name: alain-psychic
Connecting to universal guides and consciousness. Using my gifts of clairvoyance, clairsentient and clairaudient, I combine the ancient tools of the tarot cards to give me insights into your life in the areas of career, love, health, wealth, spiritual growth, family, and of course, relationships. Other issues can be sifted through to give you clarity to your most problematic questions. In this type of reading I also combine cards of “jeu de la main” and the tarot. The wealth of wisdom these tools contain will amaze you and to help you understand your life towards a much greater level of happiness, well being, prosperity and peace.
Investment: $120 per hour session, $80 for half hour session. Cairns Australia only.
For the folks that like to delve into the head rather the heart this style of reading looks at how the numbers affect our lives and circumstances. The chart is made to clearly show how to understand and decipher the meaning of numbers i.e. lessons brought through into this lifetime, what is needed to learn, issues that challenge us and how to easily clear them. An important tool looking at yearly forecasts and a very powerful tool for mapping out the property up and down cycles.
Investment: $120 per hour session, $80 for half hour session. Cairns Australia only.
1 hour Reading & 1 hour healing combination at the Evodia Clinic.
Investment: only $210 a saving of $30!
1 hour phone / skype Reading & 1 hour distance healing combination.
Investment: only $290, a saving of $30!
For combination special, sessions are to be back to back. Both sessions are for the same person i.e. one session not transferable to another person.
Prices are subject to change. For all visits by Alain outside of Cairns, price on application.